Knowing Container Status the Easy Way with LinkHaul
Having used LinkHaul for a while now, Ms Robyn of Ability Scope Sdn Bhd shares about her experience:
"Me and my team are using LinkHaul for our job submission to our haulage service provider. LinkHaul is a system that will send notifications / email to you whenever there are movements happened for the particular job/container. Notification starts once we have submitted the job, by adding a notify email/phone number all movements will be sent directly to us. As an example, in our company account we have few IDs listed; whenever one of us submits a job through web, others will receive an email notifying us that there is a job submitted and/or a file been attached. Thanks to this we do not need extra communication, such as double confirmation whether any of us may have submitted the job required. From our email we will know.
As the system will automatically sending us email / SMS for any movement that happened, we can save a lot of our time we used to allocate to check the container movement from time throughout the day, every day. Notification is provided for the entire process: from container pick up until the empty container is returned and the job is done. However, for now we have not opted to let customers receive notification directly as there are still some challenges and customers need time to adapt to this new method. Most of them are still using hardcopy Consignment Notes as a proof of delivery; yet, these info still helps us a lot as we can answer the customers regarding the status of the container immediately and do not need to ask around and wait for the checking and reply. With and without LinkHaul service, we truly see the difference of time needed by receiving info from our haulage provider. Now it is the 21st century, where up-to-date information is crucial.